
Be Cool

Knowing is not of the Mind It is an Experience or rather, Experiencing

Deva means divine and sita means coolness; divine coolness. So become cool, and just surround yourself with the feeling of coolness. Don’t get heated up. Whenever you catch yourself getting heated up, relax immediately. Exhale deeply and you will suddenly feel cool. Anger, or any other sort of heatedness, has to be dropped, and you will feel tremendously beautiful.

Even while making love, remain as cool as possible. It will be difficult in the beginning, mm? because we don’t know how to make love in a cool way. We know only the heated state of passion, the feverish state of passion. But once you have known how to make love in a cool way, you will be surprised how much you were missing. Then love becomes meditation. Anything done with coolness becomes meditative.

So let that be your secret mantra – coolness. Sitting, walking, talking, remember it again and again, and relax. If you are walking, don’t walk in a hurried way. There is no hurry... we are not going anywhere. Existence is here. All going is pointless. Everything is available here, so don’t be goal- oriented.

A goal-oriented person becomes heated up, because he has to live for the future. When you live in the present you become cool. There is no worry in the present. The worry comes when you start living in the future. Then you start thinking and planning what to do, what not to do.

Just herenow there is no problem. Problems don’t exist in the present; they come as a by-product of the future. And with problems, fever, wastage of energy. With wastage of energy, one goes on committing suicide. Then life becomes nothing but a long drawn affair of death. Then between death and birth there is nothing but a long, slow coming death... a gradual death.

If you remain cool, you collect energy. If you remain cool, you become a tremendous pool of energy. And when energy is there and you are not doing anything with it, there is delight. Energy is delight.

Ordinarily we know only the pleasure of release – that is pleasure. In sex, in anger, in exercise, we know one pleasure – and that is of releasing energy. You feel unburdened. But pleasure is not delight, pleasure is not joy – it is a very poor substitute.

Delight comes when the energy is there and you are not doing anything with it, you are not throwing it away. You have become a reservoir; then there is delight. And delight is a totally different dimension. Delight brings you to bliss.

Delight is divine, I say, and pleasure is human – not even human... it will be better to call it animal. Pleasure is animal.

So just try it – in every possible way, keep cool. And you can do it – that’s why I am giving you that process.

Deva means divine or god, and arpita means devoted; devoted to the divine. Let devotion be your way, and prayer, your path. Mm ? you will grow from the feeling centre. So feel more, love more. Bring more and more compassion and friendliness to your life. And for no reason at all – not addressed to anybody in particular. Just let that be your way of being, your very style, your climate – of love, compassion, friendship.

Move in dimensions where feeling can have easy growth – music, poetry, painting. Listen to music, play or sing, dance... recite poetry or compose poetry, read poetry. Move more and more into the world of feeling. They are different worlds.

We don t live in one world. People live in different worlds. A man who lives from his thinking centre, lives in a totally different world from the person who lives from his feeling centre. The man who lives from his thinking centre, lives in flat prose, mathematics, logic, calculation. The man who lives from the feeling centre lives in a poetic way. He is not logical.

His approach is not for consistency; his approach is for beauty. He does not approach life’s problems through logic, argument – no! He approaches life’s problems through wonder, awe, reverence. In fact, the word ’problem’ never arises in the person who lives through the feeling centre. The problem – the very word ’problem’ – belongs to the thinking mind.

For the feeling person the same thing appears more like a mystery rather than a problem. Not that it has to be solved, but that it has to be lived and loved.

If a man of thinking looks at a flower, the flower poses itself before him as a problem. The man living through the head would like to know what the name of the flower is, to what species it belongs, from what country it has come. He would like to know about it. He is not interested in the flower itself, in the beauty that is there... in the joy that is moving with the flower itself.

A man of feeling is not concerned with what the name of the flower is, to what species it belongs. He is not even concerned whether it is a flower or not – words don’t count. The presence, the reality of this flower is so tremendously overwhelming that he feels in awe, reverence, wonder. He is feeling a mystery. His feeling is that of love, of beauty.

So try to approach life through love, through beauty, through feeling, and anything that can be helpful for it, will be helpful for your growth. So become more interested in music, dancing, singing. And sometimes just sit silently with folded hands, bowing to the whole existence. Looking at the stars, bow down. Feel a thrill in the heart.... And we are all connected. Even the farthest star is connected with you. Nothing is disconnected.

Once you start feeling, you will feel tremendously alive, because the whole life is yours, and everything is criss-crossing. The stars and the moon and the sun and the flowers, and the people – they all pass through you... their rays pass through you. They enhance your being.

In the morning, the early morning, a sun ray has come.... It has travelled ninety-three million miles... and a small violet flower opens to receive that ray. Ninety-three million miles to open this violet? The ray has travelled very far, and these ninety-three million miles are just an empty darkness... just in search of this violet flower? And this violet flower waiting for this ray? Waiting tremendously in trust.

The ray will come and the flower will open and receive it, and will be joyous and will dance... will have its being, and will have its moment of life. With tremendous trust this flower was waiting for something which is so far away. Unbelievable that it will ever reach!

This miracle is happening all around – every single moment. Watch for these miracles, and feel for these miracles. This is the temple of god – this ray coming from the sun... this violet flower opening. This is the temple of god. A far away star reflecting in a small pool in your garden.... Look at that shimmering light! It is so incredible!

But we are blind – we don’t see. And we are deaf – we don’t hear. We have lost all sensitivity, we have lost all feeling.

So let feeling be your path, devotion, prayer. Surround yourself in them....

Osho Discourses -18 December 1976 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

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